An excerpt from a blog written by CeeD MD, Joe Pacitti, for Skills Development Scotland during #ScotAppWeek 22
I wanted to stress the important point of reminding many of the young people who will set out on their journey into work, that there are choices and options for them which can often lead to the same point.
The message that there are alternatives routes to a future career, either with school to higher education or an apprenticeship route, is becoming increasingly recognised.
I suspect we cannot relax and need to ensure that we continue to share this view and message, so the importance of the work of organisations such as Skills Development Scotland have never been more important, in my view.
The focus on this message with Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022 (7-11 March, #ScotAppWeek22) provides an excellent and much appreciated boost.
In the sectors where I am emersed, engineering and manufacturing, I have seen the evidence that those who chose the apprenticeship route and those who chose the higher education route, often arrive at similar points in their career in years to come. And these two sectors are not alone in this.
Creating successful career outcomes
As a member of the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board, a group of industry leaders and experts across all sizes and sectors of organisations, the message I hear from employers is the same – there is simply no comparison with people developed through the apprenticeship and work-based learning route.
I think this is a crucial point to labour .... Read the full blog here.