CeeD – where ‘know how’ meets ‘can do’

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Our latest ‘AyrSHARE’ visit to Ryanair Engineering (Prestwick Aircraft Maintenance Ltd).

The DBT is running a series of Webinars and an In-Person event focussed on South Asia and the Asia Pacific regions.

As the programme has officially come to an end, we wanted to share some of the highlights.

In collaboration with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.

Talk to the University of Dundee about their postgraduate students applying their engineering and business skills to support your goals.

Scott and Fyfe announce ‘impressive’ profits despite a highly challenging year.

 On whether there is a market for a respirator (face mask) product customised to individuals’ facial anatomy.

Lindsays have provided an update for CeeD members on the changes to employment law which are taking place in the first and second half of this year.

Jill Cottrell, Environmental Compliance Manager at Mabbett discusses key steps for businesses to consider when looking to manage business risks associated with current and upcoming legislation identified as applicable to their business.

Many career choices.
