We are a small consultancy specialising in environmental monitoring technology networks. With over 40 years of experience in air pollution monitoring instrumentation for gases, aerosols and particulate matter. Our expertise lies in both reference grade technologies and lower cost, small sensor systems deployed in a wide range of applications both indoors and out. We have also worked with meteorology, noise, traffic and many other types of sensor technologies and have expertise in establishing real time data communications networks and cloud based graphical user interfaces (GUI) and API services.
We have supported large scale networks at national and city scale including “Breathe London” an air quality network for the city of London mayor from 2016-2-19. This was a multi £million partnership with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Google Street View, the UK National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Cambridge University and Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants (CERC) and ACOEM.
In 2020/21 we designed and managed a network of sensors in Glasgow for the Scottish Government in partnership with Ricardo plc in conjunction with the COP 26 conference event.
A local community led network of sensors in rural locations for Stirling Council was designed and managed by us from early 2022 till the current time and is providing air quality, meteorology and traffic sensing directly to local communities in real time.
Our focus lies in exploiting the valuable information generated by hyper-local sensor networks to help inform policy on air quality and climate change strategies. We recognise that distillation of “big data” and dissemination of key information tailored to each specific user is our most valuable deliverable.