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How can the Advancing Manufacturing Centre (AMC) help your business?

Join the Advancing Manufacturing Centre webinar for an insight into the new facility opening in Fort William. This event is run by AMWH, one of the 12 Advancing Manufacturing projects.
August 25th, 2021 12:00 PM   through   1:00 PM
Phone: 07539 922495

Join the Advancing Manufacturing Centre webinar for an insight into advanced manufacturing technology and learn from the experts on what they have to offer for your business.

Date: 25th August
Time: 12pm

West Highland College UHI is about to open the doors to a new Advancing Manufacturing Centre (AMC) at the Ocean Frontier building in Fort William. Businesses from across the region will be able to access its services at zero cost.

AMC is part of a project to provide small to medium businesses in the West Highlands access to advanced manufacturing technology and expertise free of charge.

Who should join?

This interactive webinar for members of Lochaber Chamber of Commerce is aimed at small to medium sized businesses within the West Highlands and wider HIE areas. It will be particularly useful for business owners, managers and anyone interested in learning more.

The project will target support for SMEs and micro-businesses involved in manufacturing across different industry sectors, including Food and Drink, Construction, Aquaculture, Metals and Timber Products. No matter what you make, or are planning to start making, come along to find out about the free help on offer.

Expect an in depth discussion with plenty of opportunity to ask your questions.

Register via eventbrite now.


This event is part of the Advancing Manufacturing Cluster Builder programme which helps Scottish SMEs access the Advancing Manufacturing Challenge Fund (AMCF) projects whose aim is to have a significant impact on advancing the manufacturing capabilities of SMEs within Scotland, leading to long-term transformational change. 

The Advancing Manufacturing Cluster Builder is part-funded by the 2014–2020 European Structural and Investment Fund. 

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