CeeD Awards Finalists 2024
We have had a fantastic response to the CeeD Industry Awards 2024 with over 100 applications received across some very tight-run categories. We'd like to congratulate all the entrants.
The judges really enjoyed reading about the amazing work and exciting developments going on across the engineering and manufacturing sector - whether in skills development, business change, knowledge exchange and joint collaborations, net zero or innovation, as well as some great champions for women in industry and impressive young people making a real contribution to the businesses they work in. Some great examples to make businesses more cyber resilient too.
We have been announcing the finalists for each award over the past week or so, which is summarised below. The winners will be announced at the CeeD Awards Ceremony which is taking place at the Glasgow Hilton on 29th February 2024.
With well over 600 attendees, the evening will be a celebration of success but also another opportunity to network with your peers to share wider stories, meet old friends and make some new ones with many new companies and organisations joining us on the night. We are looking forward to all sharing the energy in the room and undoubtably the many productive connections and opportunities for post event interaction.
Well done to all!
Best Practice Sharing Finalists - sponsored by The University of the West of Scotland
Supported the sector by sharing lows and lessons in their journey towards achieving carbon-neutral status for their Head Office, bringing knowledge and expertise to other businesses looking at their own carbon footprint and how they may be able to adopt renewable technologies to solve this and the energy prices challenge.
Pioneering 12-month Accelerator programme, designed to mass-mobilise SMEs in the Scottish business community to easily start their Net Zero journey with expert-led sessions for carbon reduction and removal, peer group sessions for practical advice and best practice.
Over the last year, Nine Twenty and partners have been instrumental in sharing ideas and tips on the skills and talent challenge to attract and retain staff.
Circular Economy Finalists - sponsored by Veolia
Delivered a cost avoidance of over £650,000 for a client by getting to the root cause of perceived problems highlighted by the previous incumbent, which meant that no machines were scrapped from the list and minor repairs were carried out with the machines put back into operation.
Substantial savings made through their ‘Legacy Locker’ service, adopting circular economy practices that prioritise recycling, reuse, and repurposing of materials and ensuring products are designed with a focus on durability and recyclability.
Their offsite modular build approach to project delivery has evolved to provide unique offering to water sector to reduce carbon reductions across complete product lifecycles, encouraging low carbon market behaviours, including circular processes.
WEEE Costa Express is extending the service life of almost all of the vending machine components, maximising the lifecycle of their assets and significantly contributing to bottom line profitability. Now extending WEEE’s refurbishment, repair and remanufacturing services to additional customers.
Cyber Resilience Finalists - sponsored by CyberScotland
ELevating their cyber resilience by integrating comprehensive cybersecurity solutions under expert guidance from Managed Service Provider, investing in a culture of cyber awareness to protect their advanced manufacturing processes and client data.
Embracing core principles of sound security practices, undertaking regular external security audits and improvements, implementing multi-million-pound Secure Large Public Wi-Fi project with additional discovery and threat detection features, increased cyber awareness training of technical staff/wider workforce.
Developed comprehensive cyber strategy, focusing on integrating advanced technological tools with culture of security awareness, adopting Cyber Essentials Plus, collaborating with security consultants and implementing advanced security measures.
Holistic approach to organisational security by a small team, demonstrating considerable leadership in painstakingly working with key stakeholders internally and leveraging support from vendors and frameworks available externally, empowering technical team to take the lead on individual cyber projects, ensuring internal skills growth and resilience of the wider organisation.
Innovation Finalists - sponsored by The National Robotarium
Offering step-change innovation for the dairy industry, EBS launched Hydrovine, which replaces hazardous and toxic chemicals currently used on dairy farms. improving animal welfare.
Their partner product has been designed to provide a direct measurement of flow, pressure and transient monitoring, temperature and water quality measurements so leak sizes/repairs, demand and water quality is measured in real time.
Leading the way for the marine industry, demonstrating significant opportunities that adoption of Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing (LSAM) will unlock, developing a robust process for regulatory approval of printed steel marine components.
Challenged the norm to create modular water treatment plants, designing over 30 different modular build water treatment facilities, ranging from 20m³/day up to 240,000,000m³/day within multi-modular constructions and delivered world’s largest ceramic membrane treatment plant in England.
Revolutionising assembly of Fixed Leading-Edge (FLE) components in legacy environment to make a step-change away from manual process tracking, authentication, data capture and validation tasks using off-the-shelf equipment. Resulting test cell guides operator through assembly process using Spatial Augmented Reality and digital work instructions while other systems track and validate the process.
Internationalisation Finalists - sponsored by NVT Group Ltd
Launched Digital Dental business to speed up interaction between dentist & laboratory, identifying international regions with challenges, reducing admin time & delivery journeys. Established high performance laboratory with key dental technicians, working with the latest technology and materials.
Expanded cutting-edge and patented textiles & materials products into existing markets and ventured into new ones, customising their products and services through meticulous planning & strategy execution to meet the unique needs of each market, which reflects their clear vision, adaptability and pioneering spirit.
Having established Titan Rum in the UK Rum Market since their 2021 launch, with their multi award winning Titan Spiced Rum and Titan Orange Rum, they have begun their expansion into international markets, opening up opportunities for their products in China, the USA, Spain and Ireland.
Knowledge Exchange Excellence Finalists - sponsored by Nine Twenty Engineering & Manufacturing
KTP partnership with University of the West of Scotland, exceeding objectives and transforming KubeNet through leadership, cultural change, and digital tools. Set up KubeNet academy.
Partnered with University of the West of Scotland in management KTP to upskill and empower management by embedding strategy development, strategic planning, organisational development and change management expertise, accelerating business growth and improving productivity.
Project set out to develop a demonstrator of a real world closed loop digital twin within a technology demonstrator known as the LEAD cell at the AIC in Prestwick, creating a true twin that can be manipulated for a range of scenarios with trusted results built on real data.
Marketing Finalists - sponsored by Business Gateway
Designed revolutionary soap, CROWD-SUD, for collective impact. Marketed primarily at B2B segment, CROWD-SUD champions featured on an online Wall of Impact under the campaign: Many Hands Make Light Impact Work™.
Developed comprehensive marketing plan which has helped build their audience and Polytec’s credibility, attracting more traffic to their website and to building LinkedIn followers.
2023 rebrand and relaunch has enabled Utili-Tay to reach more companies, networks and communities.
With a small team, delivered highly successful and informed marketing campaign, greatly improving application levels whilst raising awareness of Volvo locally, resulting in the highest levels of engagement ever seen and a reach of 335,000 on their recruitment Facebook page. Also attracted apprentice welders and saw an increased in female applicants.
Net Zero Heroes Finalists - sponsored by Star Refrigeration Ltd
Numerous changes and new ways of working undertaken to reduce their carbon footprint, including moving to a purpose-built factory designed with energy saving at the forefront and custom-designed innovative technologies.
Crafting tailor-made services/product to propel Scotland towards a Net-Zero future, employing numerous individuals and supporting many large businesses with exciting projects to help significantly reduce their carbon footprint.
Addressing the need for more immediate action if Scotland is to hit our Net Zero targets, NZN’s 12-month Accelerator programme has mobilised over 100 SMEs across Scotland and developed key partnerships to enable more rapid transition to Net Zero.
Helping Plexus customers drive sustainability into their products, two GA engineers recently completed “Engineer for the Environment” project, demonstrating a 27% reduction in equivalent CO₂ from 22,600kg of CO₂ to 16,400kg of CO₂ in materials selection, manufacturing and transportation for an example product.
Building a more collaborative circular economy in the renewable energy industry by launching ‘Coalition for Wind Industry Circularity’, creating a net-zero Scottish-based supply chain in renewables through remanufacture and refurbishment,
Operational Excellence Finalists - sponsored by Diodes Semiconductor GB Ltd
Has put in place processes and procedures that define best practice community engagement as a result of their rapid response to a critical ‘waste water’ incident.
Has developed a ground-breaking ‘Legacy Locker’ which provides reuse options for clients’ existing stock, enabling the purchase and recovery of scrapped items into re-certified and available off-the-shelf components to support the circular economy.
Has invested in all-new technology for the Leather Industry, focussing on using Artificial Intelligence and the latest visioning systems to identify and classify defects on their sustainable, natural product, Leather.
Acted quickly due to exceptional demand in 2023 to drive operational improvements to transform their business, reacting to customer demand against a backdrop of labour shortages and a supply chain in turmoil.
Remanufacturing Finalists - sponsored by NMIS (National Manufacturing Insitite Scotland)
Honouring the legacy of Harris Tweed®, repurposed materials e.g. outer cover from an offshore wind farm to manufacture laptop covers, extending their life, diverting from landfill and addressing current environmental challenges of laptop covers’ disposal.
Launched alternative, locally produced product line made in Scotland, using highest organic, vegan pharmaceutical grade ingredients in premium refillable packaging to address the greenwashing and challenges of procuring personal care essentials in the tourism/hospitality sector, to avoid single use plastic.
Part of the Scottish Government Hand Sanitiser Task Force, bottling 350,000+ units, TRI’s goal was to find an environmental and economically viable solution to the challenge of an overstock of hand sanitiser, which TRI remanufactured into screen wash.
Established pioneering remanufacturing service, adaptable to any sector and all types of machinery. Extends life cycle of individual components of electronic equipment and machinery - excellent example of how remanufacturing can deliver both environmental and financial benefits to customers across a wide range of industry sectors.
Growing the Prestwick facility (the only aerospace site solely dedicated to the aftermarket) which has evolved to provide customers with more cost-effective means of repairing and returning their parts to service, ensuring economic viability of parts and reducing scrappage and waste of units.
Skills Development Finalists - sponsored by Skills Development Scotland
Their well-respected Modern Apprenticeship scheme for Engineering to include IT and procurement MAs, Graduate Engineering and Foundation Apprenticeships to nurture new talent coming through, with equal opportunities for all employees.
The Hydrogen Skills Academy has worked closely with government, industry, academia and existing accreditation and standards bodies, to deliver training and competency assessment to an ‘All Energy’ workforce that meets the emerging and future needs.
Invested in the professional growth and success of their employees through the establishment of a dedicated team, supporting individuals in their career journey, crafting tailored career pathways.
Holistic skills development through multifaceted initiatives with tailored support to electrical/mechanical apprentices, school leavers and graduates, fostering an adaptable, innovative and agile workforce.
Implemented various apprenticeship programmes, leading to the creation of 94 new jobs since 2012, supporting the local economy and providing employment opportunities to young local people, as well as upskilling existing employees.
Transformational Change through Education & Skills Finalists - sponsored by Oracle Academy
Addressing a skills shortage in the Shipbuilding industry, Babcock partnered with Trades Unions and local community partners (Fife College and Fife Council) to recruit 140 employees for a transformational role at Rosyth, the Production Support Operative (PSO), to support existing tradespeople in performing their skilled roles, giving PSOs the opportunity to unlock a new career, gain skills and qualifications and potentially become skilled tradespeople themselves. Over 90% retention rate one year on and another recruitment phase started in 2024.
Overcoming its biggest challenge in 34 years of business, in 2023 Booth Welsh had to transform quickly as a result of the unexpected demise of its parent company BW, achieving a Management Buy Out in only 10 weeks, rapid deployment of a new ERP system, training and upskilling of staff in parallel with deploying the new digital system achieved in record time, just 8 weeks.
KTP project with University of the West of Scotland examined Lochlie's growth plans whilst responding to escalating energy costs faced by companies and aligning with Scotland's net-zero targets, resulting in a strategic decision to venture into the renewables market.
Women in Industry Finalists - sponsored by Volvo Rokbak
Annette Welch (Here’s The Plan)
Lucinda Craig (J&S Subsea Ltd)
Sarah Grant, (RUA Life Sciences)
Victoria Lambert (Prestwick Aircraft Maintenance Ltd)
Young Person of the Year Finalists - sponsored by Chivas Brothers
Aaminah Wali (Thales UK)
Abby Wallace (Merck)
Andrew Murray (Volvo Construction Equipment Haulers Ltd)
Callum Dickson (Plexus)
Christopher McGroggan (Chivas Brothers)
Colin Burnside (Thales UK)
Evan Williamson (Ailsa Reliability Solutions Ltd)
Luke Hall (Veolia)
Mark Diamond (Aggreko)
CeeD Chairman of the Year 2024 - sponsored by ID Systems UK Ltd
Winner announced on the night.
Craig Yeardly & Kirstyn Calder, University of Strathclyde – Spirit Aerosystems
Jed Scott, University of Glasgow – Cirrus Logic
Magdalena Czech, University of Glasgow – Novosound Ltd
Mairead Reid, University of Glasgow – Renewable Energy Systems Ltd
Ryan Hooper, Glasgow Caledonian University – University of Glasgow
Toni McLaughlin, University of Glasgow – GKN Aerospace
Thank You Sponsors
We'd like to say a big thank you to our sponsors. Especially to Volvo Rokbak who are our Platinum Headline sponsor and NVT Group as our Silver sponsor. Also to all our Award sponsors with each award sponsored by a wide range of new and returning sponsors.

Credit top image by starline on Freepik.