Topolytics is a data analytics business that is making waste visible, verifiable and valuable. Its WasteMap® software helps companies that produce inert, general, recyclable or hazardous waste to identify cost and resource efficiencies, meet corporate KPIs on materials and NetZero, validate suppliers and generate high quality data for ESG reports.
Topolytics, with the support of Innovate UK, is also working with CeeD and manufacturers to take a deeper look at waste across their production value chain to drive resource recovery and efficiency.
Topolytics have produced a case study on the work they have done with British Airways.
British Airways has a strong tradition of managing and reducing its environmental impact. It’s roadmap to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, includes short, medium and long-term commitments. This work includes a public focus on waste, in particular the elimination of single-use plastics where sustainable alternatives exist and a reduction in food waste. British Airways measures its progress and reports directly and via its parent company, International Airlines Group (IAG).
Waste management and recycling data is collated and compiled by the Environmental Compliance team. Noting the significant resources expended on compliance, measurement and reporting on waste and how it is managed, British Airways secured a licence to WasteMap® in 2022.
The Topolytics team initially worked with British Airway’s main contractor at Heathrow to identify key sources and types of waste and other infrastructure involved in its collection, storage and processing. Our onboarding team then assisted the contractor to upload key data on waste collections and movements into WasteMap®, where the data is cleaned and validated, generating insights that support reporting and compliance functions.
What WasteMap® does….
WasteMap® is providing a clean and standardised view of waste types and amounts and what happens to this material across a range of sites and business units. This single view is helping British Airways to validate compliance, compare performance across business units and support the measurement of carbon impact. The data can be interrogated per sites, business units, contractors, materials types, dates and other metrics.
Read the full case study here.