The Scottish Business Resilience Centre (SBRC) is the business delivery arm for the Scottish Government, Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue and has established itself as a hub of innovation and improvement in support of our partners, members and the business community. As such it plays a high profile and very effective role in countering crime across Scotland and the United Kingdom. SBRC has been modelled by London, is a close partner to Norway and has had its work recognised as a model of good practice by the European Police Office.
We are a membership organisation and we ensure our members receive support that is unique to them and the needs and aims of their business; be it financial and business resilience, cyber services, training or access to strategy groups and networking.
SBRC workstreams include security and resilience for retail, tourism and transport, which is now brought together under our Safer Places workstream. Safer Places covers a huge area of work and reaches across government, police and businesses – the influence is such that we have several key focus groups reporting to this Board. We also lead on business and financial resilience, cyber services and metal theft and as such we are embedded within Scottish Government and Police Scotland to ensure the country is as secure as possible. The work of SBRC has been recognised and highlighted in the government’s “One Scotland” plan and we also sit on the Serious Organised Crime Taskforce for Scotland, placing us at the heart of Police and Government strategies affecting the whole of the country.
Our aim is to support a secure Scotland through intelligence, guidance, advice and innovation. In particular, to support the needs of all organisations regardless of size or sector.