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SURVEY - New Technologies, Agility and People


The InterAct team based in the business school at Strathclyde University are conducting a survey for UK Manufacturers on New Technologies, Agility & People.

We often hear about how new manufacturing technologies will shape and transform jobs in the sector. Part of the challenge facing many UK employers is trying to understand how these new technologies help productivity, and how the jobs and skills of today blend into new career pathways and people practices that sit alongside emerging technologies. This survey gives you an opportunity to give your opinions and experience.

The team are looking for senior representatives of UK manufacturers to take part in a short 15-minute survey about how they use these new manufacturing technologies to shape their workforce practices.

The survey is completely confidential. Your opinions and your responses are secure and they do not disclose or identify you or your company in any reporting. InterAct would be very grateful for any help you can give them, so please take part.

The survey can be accessed via the following links:


If you would like to hear more about the background of the survey or discuss taking part, please contact the project researcher Dr Robert Stewart (robert.stewart.100@strath.ac.uk). If you would prefer an electronic paper copy of the survey or would prefer to take part in a telephone interview please send a text to 07901841087 and a member of the team will be in touch.

For further information about this research project and others, please visit https://interact-hub.org/
