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Flexible Working in Manufacturing - Case Study #3


CeeD and Flexibility Works were delighted to be commissioned by the Scottish Government to deliver a ‘tester’ project in order to begin to identify, capture and share examples of flexible working within the manufacturing sector, specifically in frontline (non-office) roles. 

This follows on from a number of collaborative activites we have run over the past year or so to explore the feasibility and examples of how and where flixible working practices have been tried and/or implemented in a range of manufacturing organisations.

Case Study #3 - Almond Engineering

Based in Livingston, Almond Engineering provide a range of services including design, precision machining from one off prototype or repairs to medium volume batch work, fabrication and welding. The focus of this case study was their flexible hours model. Unique in a sector that normally has hard start and stop finish times, manufacturing colleagues here have some flexibility and control over when they start and finish. Everyone needs to work 9-3 and they need to work 39 hours a week, however they have flexibility to start anytime from 7-9 and finish anytime from 3-5.

In this video Almond Engineering, a precision engineering manufacturer based in Livingston Scotland, detail how their approach to flexible working has motivated staff and improved productivity of the business.

Watch the full video here.
