Scottish Enterprise (SE) is Scotland's main economic development agency and aims to deliver a significant, lasting effect on the Scottish economy. Our role is to help identify and exploit the best opportunities for economic growth. We support ambitious Scottish companies to compete with the global marketplaces and help build Scotland's globally competitive sectors.
We also work with a range of partners in the public and private sectors to attract raw investment to Scotland and to help create a world-class business environment.
Our business plan focuses on five strategic priorities:
- Company and sector motivation is a key driver of productivity and competitiveness. With our partners, we will take a more integrated approach to stimulating innovation, knowledge transfer and commercilisaton, with a focus on getting more new products and services into global markets
- Our aim for 2013 - 2016 is to initiate significant actions to develop commercial manufacturing in offshore renewables, including the development of supply chains and attract up to £350 million of additional private sector investment
Growth companies:
- To drive economic prosperity and employment, we'll continue to prioritise our support to companies in Scotland with the strongest growth ambitions. Our support will be increasingly tailored to help companies achieve scale, stimulate trade in overseas markets and help build the competitiveness which can support growth in Scotland's key sectors
- Out aim for 2013 - 2014 is to help our account managed companies to achieve turnover growth of up to £1.3 billion
International Trade & Investment:
- By identifying and responding to significant global opportunities, we'l support more companies to start exploring and help more experienced exporters to enter new overseas markets and grow their international sales
- Within an increasingly competitive investment market, we'll also target strategic inward investment which develops the competitiveness of Scotland's sectors and helps to create employment.
- Our aims for 2013 - 2015 include:
- Achieve an increase of up to £1.7 billion in international sales from supported businesses
- Deliver up to 35,000 planned jobs through the attraction of foreign investment, of which up to 12,000 are planned high value jobs
- Company and sector innovation is a key driver of productivity and competitiveness. With our partners, we will take a more integrated approach by stimulating innovation, knowledge transfer and commercialisation, with a focus on getting more new products and services into global markets
- During 2013 - 2014 we aim to help companies to achieve additional revenues from innovation, worth up to £100 million over the next three years
Transition to a low carbon economy:
- By helping companies to improve resource efficiency and adopt new low carbon business models, we'll help them to increased productivity and growth
- We'll also help sectors to identify and respond to new low carbon business opportunities as they emerge
- Our aim for 2013 - 2014 is to identify up to 10,000 tonnes of CO2 savings arising from our projects and company support that improves efficiency, in all these priority areas, we will work with businesses to stimulate demand and optimise the use of digital technologies to help Scotland become a world-leading digital economy