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161201 - Energy with Dave Pearson, Director, Star Renewable Energy

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161201 - Energy with Dave Pearson, Director, Star Renewable Energy
December 1st, 2016 9:30 AM   through   12:30 PM
Piperdam Golf & Leisure Resort
Fowlis, ANS DD2 5LP
United Kingdom
Phone: 07539922495

There are no businesses that exist without using energy.

Low hanging fruit of switching to LEDs are well known and those who haven't yet switched can simply contact a specialist supplier. At a previous energy clinic Star Refrigeration shared their very satisfactory experience of contracting a firm to switch every fitting to LEDs.

Energy use is more widespread however and this clinic will focus on heating and cooling.

Heating accounts for around 50% of energy and is heavily supported with low carbon programs such as the Renewable Heat Incentive.

Cooling on average accounts for 15% of electrical load but in reality for a cooling focused business this could be over 50%.

Typically, both heating and cooling are unmanaged and so the first part of the session will focus on data gathering. Not just gate-house metering but individual plant consumption and temperature delivery.

Secondly there will be a session on cooling. How to get it right and how it typically goes wrong. Amazingly it is sometimes seen that performance is 50% out of whack!

Lastly heating. Aside from tuning heating systems, how practical is it to deploy large heat pumps?

Wrapping all of this up into business models there will be a discussion on how to fund projects in the 5-10 year break even range - typically too slow for businesses.

Join us for a session that has relevance to every business.

After all, a £ saved goes straight to the profit line.

With global targets being an 80% or more reduction in carbon footprint and current low gas prices there is no doubt that change will have to happen. 

Those ahead of the curve get an Opportunity. Laggards see a Threat.

Which would your business prefer?


09:30am – Registration, Tea, Coffee and biscuits

10:00am – Welcome by CeeD & Piperdam

10:15am – Presentation by Dave Pearson of Star Renewable Energy including Q&A

12:00m – Networking

12:30pm - Close


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