3 Netherton Square
Paisley, PA3 2EF
United Kingdom
Do you know anyone in industry that wants to reduce material wastage and improve their sustainability in a meaningful way?
And are you ready for Digital Product Passports (DPPs), which will soon be mandatory for nearly all products sold in the EU under the "Ecodesign for Sustainable Products" Regulation.
These events are designed to help.
Learn about all this and more in the next two events in the ReMake Learning Series. Hear why large companies have invested 2 years into this project, what the experts at NMIS have learned, participate in engaging workshops and see live demo's of high tech machinery in the NMIS Digital Factory.
These events have speakers from NMIS experts and the ReMake consortium partners. The ReMake partners include Renewable Parts , Howden, A Chart Industries Company , Boeing, BRITSH AIRWAYS Maintenance Glasgow , SSE Renewables and ATS Global.
Come along and learn something new, whatever stage of your career. It's a great chance to network, and of course the highlight of any day;
Sign up today:
✈Sustainable Remanufacturing for Businesses