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250205 Winning Strategic Deals

February 5th, 2025 2:00 PM   through   4:00 PM
The National Robotarium
Heriot-Watt Campus
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS
United Kingdom

Winning Strategic Deals

How much better would your business be if you won more Strategic Deals?

Strategic Deals can make or break your quarter, year, and career. This workshop addresses the 16 steps that must be applied to win strategic deals. Join us on 5th February, 2pm - 4pm at The National Robotarium, Heriot-Watt.

Prior to the event, we invite all CeeD member organisations (the more the merrier) to contribute to this anonymous survey about your strategic deals capability.

During the workshop, Chris Whyatt of Get To Great will:

  1. Share the outputs from the anonymous survey above, enabling you to see you level of collective capability.
  2. Talk you through the 16 steps and the associated activities required to improve your win ratio.
  3. Give examples of strategic deals won and lost, and the underlying reasons why.
  4. Provide handouts (also available electronically) to support all the above.


What is a Strategic Deal?
A strategic deal, also known as a must-win deal or a big bet, is transformative for your business, the people who work on it, and the customer.

Strategic deals are complex, time-consuming, expensive, resource-sapping, distracting, exhausting, risky, and career-defining, either positively or negatively.

They could be a new logo win, competitive knockout, or new capability. Equally, they could be the renewal of an existing, valued contract or a strategic expansion into an existing account.