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240829 Scottish Business Climate Collaboration Hub hosted by Aggreko

“Collaboration is essential to addressing climate change, and actually that is one of the key driving forces behind the SBCC.”
August 29th, 2024 1:30 PM   through   4:30 PM
Stirling Road
Dumbarton, G82 3RG
United Kingdom
Mobile: 07517104037

More details and registration coming soon...

Jointly funded by the Scottish Government and Scottish Business Climate Collaboration (SBCC) members, and delivered by Zero Waste Scotland, the Climate Action hub is a free-to-use platform that is intended to support SMEs understand climate risk and develop decarbonisation plans to support the global ambition of net zero. 

Participating businesses who have come together to create the SBCC are from a range of key strategic economic sectors. They are Aggreko, Diageo, EY, FirstGroup, Bank of Scotland, ScottishPower, Scottish Water and Wood Group. As part of the commitments made by the collaboration, the SBCC looks to support their supply chains and the wider small and medium enterprises ecosystem in Scotland through the development of the Climate Action Hub.   

The Hub features a multitude of resources including 12 short e-learning modules on topics ranging from entry-level climate science to carbon emissions related to business practices. Users of the platform will also have free access to a dashboard to track carbon literacy across their organisation and the tools to calculate their own carbon baseline and develop a carbon reduction plan.   

 The platform comes at a critical point in time for SMEs that are suffering now more than ever with the impact of the ongoing cost of living crisis. The Climate Action Hub aims to support an ambition to significantly reduce emissions while also boosting cost savings for businesses.

Aggreko has developed its own decarbonisation strategy, making its own facilities and operations more efficient with an ambitious Net Zero commitment and also committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local emissions from its customer solutions by promoting Greener Upgrade energy solutions.

A key part of Aggreko’s decarbonisation strategy involves its supply chain partners, where they work closely with suppliers to develop products that improve the efficiency of their energy solutions and to identify new technologies that will provide cleaner energy for customers in a way that is scalable, reliable and economically viable.  Aggreko is committed to working with suppliers to encourage sustainable business practices to make a positive change throughout the whole value chain.

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