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240820 - Collaborate to Innovate, Scottish Water - site tour to Gorthleck Water Development Centre, near Inverness

240820 - Collaborate to Innovate, Scottish Water - site tour to Gorthleck Water Development Centre, near Inverness
August 20th, 2024 9:30 AM   through   12:30 PM
Scottish Water Horizons
Gorthleck Water Development Centre
West Aberchalder
Inverness, HED IV2 6UJ
United Kingdom
Phone: 07539 922495

Innovation is vital to meeting the challenges faced by the water industry both now and in the future. Scottish Water’s Water Development Centre is Scotland’s first full scale test facility dedicated to supporting research and innovation in the water sector.

Research companies and academia have a pivotal role to play in shaping the future of the water sector. Our Water Development Centre offers innovators a unique opportunity to meet these challenges head on. By facilitating access to a live demonstration site, we enable companies to research and test new and innovative products, equipment and technologies on an operational scale. As the only facility of its kind in Scotland, innovators can conduct trials under live conditions in the comfort of a safe, dedicated and low risk environment.

We also offer the opportunity for companies to showcase and demonstrate innovations to Scottish Water, helping to accelerate the adoption of new technologies within the wider UK water industry.

Important information:

Getting there:

To get to Gorthleck Development Centre, the easiest route is to take the A9 leaving Inverness and turn right onto the B851 junction. From this junction, you can follow the road all the way to the Development Centre. Please be aware the road is a mixture of normal and single-track roads, so please take care and pay attention to signage that has been put in place by the landowner.

If you are travelling with a colleague, please car share as there are a limited number of car parking spaces at the centre.

You will need:

  • Safety boots
  • Hi-vis jacket
  • Goggles

Please note, you will not be granted access to the site without the full required PPE. Please let us know as early as possible if you require additional PPE.