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Come along to find out how you can get up to £10k of funding towards your net zero transition.
October 20th, 2021 10:00 AM   through   11:00 AM
Edinburgh, G72 0FT
United Kingdom


With COP26 just around the corner, CeeD is partnering with the Energy Technology Partnership (ETP) to help reach out to the manufacturing community in Scotland and address some of the major challenges transitioning towards a net-zero economy. ETP Innovation is funding up to £10,000 to the manufacturing sector. This grant funding is made available from the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Fund.

The ETP is seeking applications from Scottish SMEs for small projects of 3-6 months duration in the following areas:

- Heating and cooling technologies
- Hydrogen
- Zero-emissions mobility

Projects can focus on developing innovative solutions that address one or more of the following systemic challenges:

- Low-carbon heating and cooling production technologies
- Affordable heat: Technologies aimed at reducing the burden of fuel-poverty in Scottish households
- Thermal energy storage
- Technologies that afford greater energy efficiency and waste reduction thus reducing the need for heat
- Low cost, volume manufacturing of affordable storage of Hydrogen at scale
- Light weighting of materials for static storage systems
- Technology transfer with regard to the storage and use of hydrogen
- Any other application relating to hydrogen production
- Development of zero emission vehicles. This includes components and sub-systems.
- Retrofitting technologies that reduce their carbon emissions of fleets of ICE vehicles.  
- Improving the availability and performance of vehicle infrastructure (facilities for maintaining, hosting, fuelling, charging, and servicing vehicles).
- Improving the performance of zero emission fuel technologies including batteries, hydrogen, and biofuels.
Improving vehicle heating and cooling systems to maximise energy conversation and utilisation.
- Development of software that helps to optimise the movement of passenger and goods vehicles in urban and rural locations.

Come along to this event to hear how your business can apply successfully to the available grant.

Find out more information via our document here.


This event is part of the Advancing Manufacturing Cluster Builder programme which helps Scottish SMEs access the Advancing Manufacturing Challenge Fund (AMCF) projects whose aim is to have a significant impact on advancing the manufacturing capabilities of SMEs within Scotland, leading to long-term transformational change. 

The Advancing Manufacturing Cluster Builder is part-funded by the 2014–2020 European Structural and Investment Fund. 

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