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Date: 5th June 2017 Timings: 09:00am - 12:00pm Venue: Royal Bank of Scotland, The Boardroom, GeminiBuilding, 24/25 St Andrew's Square, Edinburgh. EH2 1AF Speaker: Former British Military Intelligence Officer
June 5th, 2017 9:00 AM   through   12:00 PM
Royal Bank of Scotland, Gemini Building
24/25 St Andrew Square
Edinburgh, EDH EH2 1AF
United Kingdom

Intelligence not Information - Answering the So What? 

Delivered by a former Intelligence Officer 


In the modern world we live in we have vast quantities of information at our finger tips - how much of it can we act on? How much of it is real? How much of it adds value? 

No matter how sophisticated our systems or advanced or electronic communications all intelligence starts with people. 

In this session you will learn from a former intelligence officer how to build rapport and relationships rapidly and effectively in order to gain Intelligence. You will learn to decipher what is information and what is actual intelligence. This intelligence can then be used to build networks and develop business. 

You will learn practical skills not theoretical models. 



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