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170427 Health & Safety Clinic : CDM Regulations with Billy Hare, Glasgow Caledonian University
April 27th, 2017 1:30 PM   through   4:30 PM
Carbon Dynamic
Invergordon, HED IV18 0LT
United Kingdom
Phone: 07808056325

Do you have responsibility for the maintenance or development of your own site, or do you manage projects on clients’ sites that require you to take project lead status?  If so, this session is for you.

In this session, we will examine the impact of the regulation changes to Construction Design and Management. These regulations  were updated in April 2015 to bring them into alignment with the European Temporary or Mobile Construction Sites Directive (TMCSD). The new regulations affect companies, individual home owners, designers, consultants and contractors.  This short Continuing Professional Development update will outline the significant changes under CDM 2015 and their implications for any construction work taking place on your site, including any maintenance and refurbishment work.

The topics to be covered are as follows:

  • Client Duties (extending to 'Domestic Clients' - home owners)
  • Principal Designer (PD), which replaces the role of the Construction Design & Management Consultant (CDMC)
  • Information instruction, training and supervision
  • Thresholds for Appointments & Notification

Prof Billy Hare, Professor of Construction Management at Glasgow Caledonian University will deliver this talk and facilitate discussion thereafter.  Billy is also open to having 1:1’s at the end of session, so if you are interested in this, let me know (at

Also, as part of this session, you will have the opportunity to take a plant tour of our hosts facility, Carbon Dynamic, and see a leading exponent of off-site construction / factory built environments.