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170425 - The Vital 30 with Sandy McCurdy of The Sales Coach
April 25th, 2017 9:30 AM   through   12:30 PM
Room 1006
Abertay University
Bell Street
Dundee, DND DD1 1HG
United Kingdom
Mobile: 07539 922495

The Vital 30

Due to the recent massive changes in digital technology, it is reckoned that 70% of a potential customer's journey is now digital. The final 30% of the journey is the personal contact the customer has with the company.

It has become more difficult to differentiate company and product offerings in terms of product/service improvements or supply chain improvements. Today it is much more about how you sell rather than what you sell. Fantastic customer relationships are the key to business growth.

Sandy McCurdy of The Sales Coach has a vast experience in sales and marketing and will cover the key areas of:

- If the "hard sell" is dead what has replaced it?

- What makes an excellent salesperson?

- Why knowledge is power in selling

-  An effective sales process.  A CRM system - How it can be the foundation of the sales (and marketing) process.

- The key selling skills which are vital to achieving fantastic customer relationships.

- What are main trends which have changed the way companies sell today? (e.g. - the crippling cost of big sales, the death of purchasing theory.)


Sandy McCurdy - Head Coach at The Sales Coach has spent a career in sales and marketing. His experience spans several major companies such as McCain Foods, Kleenex and Johnston Press.  As well as running his own businesses, Sandy has also has worked as a Business Advisor with Business Gateway and Perth & Kinross Council, and been instrumental in introducing selling skills into the Scottish University sector.

Selling is Sandy's passion and he has a wealth of experience in setting up sales training programmes as well as running a variety of sales training workshops for a variety of organisations.  Sandy believes so strongly in the importance of effective selling skills that his ambitious vision is "to make effective selling skills the "must have" for every organisation in Scotland.  He is a fellow of the Institute of Sales Managers and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.


•             09:30am – Registration, tea and Coffee & biscuits

•             10:00am – Welcome by Dave Nicholson, CeeD

•             10:05am – Discussions & interactive session with Sandy McCurdy of The Sales Coach 

•             11:45am - Q&A

•             12:15pm – Networking

•             12:30pm - Close


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