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Join CeeD and Flexibility Works to learn how you can utilise flexible working to help make a positive change for the future.
November 30th, 2021 10:00 AM   through   11:00 AM
Mobile: 07989 536218

The need - and desire - for flexible working has seen a huge increase during the pandemic and some businesses may be struggling with what that means for their future workforce and the business. 

But what does flexible working really mean and how can you make it work for all concerned?

Flexible working is about where, when and how long you work. CeeD has teamed up with Flexibility Works - Scotland’s leading experts in working flexibly and leading commentators on flexible working in Scotland - to lead an interactive session on how employers can utilise flexible working to help make a change that will be felt for generations to come. 

  • - Flexibility Works estimates that 75% of Scotland’s workforce either has or wants flexibility at work.
  • - 90% of people in Scotland say their quality of life is better with flexible working.


Flexible workplaces are becoming the norm. Employees with and without caring responsibilities expect flexibility from employers today. And for employers, it’s the smart move. Helping improve business performance and resilience and ensuring employees feel valued and motivated.

Working flexibly also directly addresses many barriers that people have to employment and career progression.

With a practical and creative approach, Flexibility Works - who work closely with the Scottish Government and policy makers to drive forward this agenda - support employers to develop more flexible workplaces: a win-win for their people and their organisation.

Another purpose of the session is about sharing learning with peers. Join us on 30th November to learn more.

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Please help us and let your friends, colleagues and followers know about our page: 211130 Making Flexible Working work

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