191009: The Smart Farm: Imaging Systems and IoT Technologies for Precision Agriculture Applications. Please join Scotland’s Rural College and CENSIS Vision Lab to examine the use of imaging systems and IoT technologies for precision agriculture, and explore potential collaborative activity in this space.
October 9th, 2019 1:00 PM   through   4:30 PM
Kings Buidlings
West Mains Road
Edniburgh, EDH EH9 3JG
United Kingdom
Phone: 07803 507639

Please join Scotland’s Rural College and CENSIS Vision Lab to examine the use of imaging systems and IoT technologies for precision agriculture, and explore potential collaborative activity in this space.

This event provides the opportunity to hear first-hand from our experts about some of the latest sensors and imaging technologies as they may be applied to precision agriculture, and used either to address business challenges or spark an idea for a new application, product or service.

There is an opportunity for companies attending to give a 2 min pitch after the break to say who you are and what type of projects you seek to engage with. If you are interested in pitching, please contact innovation@sruc.ac.uk

We hope you will join us at this event which will also provide an opportunity to network with potential collaboration partners.

This is a free event but spaces are limited. Please register using the following link:
