BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CeeD//NONSGML CeeD Event iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:250310 Cyber Roundtable for SMEs with STAR Refrige ration DESCRIPTION:Cyber Security Roundtable: Security Quality \; (lunch and learn)\n \n The session will examine ou r experience with the Conti Ransomware Incident\, to share our recovery story\, reflect on the criti cal lessons learned and the improvements we have s ince implemented.\n \n Ransomware remains a persis tent threat\, and despite having controls in place at the time\, our experience underscored a vital truth: security quality is not just about the pres ence of controls but about how well they are confi gured and maintained. Our incident review revealed that while we had robust tools at the time\, we h ad\, at times\, missed some of the basics. This ex posed vulnerabilities and demonstrated the need to shift our focus from merely having controls to en suring those controls are effectively aligned with our security strategy.\n \n The discussion will e xplore:\n &bull\; An Incident Review: What happene d\, our immediate response\, and the steps we took to recover.\n &bull\; Security Quality: How treat ing the cause of the incident\, rather than just t he symptoms\, led us to refine (and continue to re fine) our security configurations and processes.\n &bull\; Continuous Improvement: Our journey towar ds embedding security quality into our culture\, e nsuring we address root causes and adapt to evolvi ng threats.\n \n We also face ongoing challenges:\ n &bull\; The pace of change in technology\, espec ially in cloud environments.\n &bull\; Balancing t he breadth of security controls with the need for simplicity and effectiveness.\n &bull\; Training s taff to recognise and respond to threats appropria tely.\n &bull\; Making incident response (IR) rele vant to busy (non-technical) managers and ensuring our security approach is practical\, effective\, and forward-looking.\n \n We are keen to hear your insights. How do you manage security quality with in your organisations? What strategies or practice s have worked well for you? And where do you see o pportunities for improvement\, particularly when i t comes to aligning security configuration with qu ality over sheer quantity of controls?\n \n I hope the session will allow attendees to exchange idea s\, challenge each other&rsquo\;s thinking\, and h opefully leave with new perspectives and practical approaches to enhance our security posture.\n \n Please get in touch with m if you are interested in getting involved. CATEGORIES:Workshop CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250310T120000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250310T120000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250310T140000 LOCATION:Star Refrigeration\n Units 1-4 Thornliebank Indust rial Estate\n Glasgow\, GLG G46 8JW\n United Kingd om\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR