BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CeeD//NONSGML CeeD Event iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:250328 TradingZone: Digital and Cyber DESCRIPTION:We are delighted to host our successful Trading Zo ne event again on the 28th of March\, at Barclays Eagle Labs in Glasgow.\n \n  \;\n \n What is T rading Zone?\n \n TradingZone is an innovation san dpit event\, gathering industry and experts togeth er to overcome common business challenges. \;A select few attendees will be speed pitching\, whi le others will engage in focussed networking\, in the style of a trading floor. \;\n \n This eve nt will focus on digital\, AI and cybersecurity th emes\, showcasing \;the innovative ways the Ce eD network are \;overcoming digital challenges .\n \n &ldquo\;An event to help convert ideas into real\, commercially viable products through \ ;the power of collaboration.&rdquo\;\n \n This uni que one day event is intended to create new busine ss opportunities through partnership working. With each \;partner able to \;concentrate  \;on their core competences\, we believe that orga nisations can significantly increase the chance of successfully realising new products\, innovations and business ideas. \;\n \n &ldquo\;No matter what your skill or technology there is sure to be an opportunity that needs it!&rdquo\;\n \n This s ession will provide \;a forum for using the po wer of collaborating \;to overcome common busi ness challenges such as obtaining funding\, design issues\, effective supply chain management and ma rket intelligence.  \;Or you may just be looki ng for new ideas to be a part of?\n \n How will it work on the day?\n \n The format will be professi onally facilitated using interactive activities an d discussions\, designed to bring together small t eams of potential collaborators around a business opportunity. The underlying theme is &lsquo\;Innov ation&rsquo\; and the day will bring together Star t-ups\, SMEs\, Multinationals\, Commercialisation partners\, Academia\, Funders &\; Investors.&nb sp\;\n \n A select few of the audience will be pit ching while others will be supporting and involved in the discussions and \;break-out sessions a fterwards.\n \n How do I join in?\n \n Do you have something to offer or something to ask ...\n \n \ n Do you have \;a unique \;or innovative skill\, capability or service to offer?\n Are you looking for help\, or a partner \;to get an i dea off the ground? \;\n Do you have a specif ic challenge you'\;d like to solve?\n \n \n &nb sp\;Come along with an open mind and a willingness to participate. CATEGORIES:Workshop CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250328T100000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250328T100000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250328T140000 LOCATION:Barclays Eagle Labs\n Beco Building\n 58 Kingston Street\n Glasgow\, G5 8BP\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR