BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CeeD//NONSGML CeeD Event iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:241009 AyrSHARE Networking Visit to Optimum ECO Gr oup in Irvine DESCRIPTION:CeeD \;are delighted that local Ayrshire busin ess Optimum ECO Group \;have kindly agreed to host the \;latest \;'\;AyrSHARE'\;&n bsp\;networking and best practice event on \;W ednesday 9th October \;which aims to engage an d bring together Ayrshire businesses and support o rganisations for community wealth building. Two fa cilities are based in Irvine\, CCL (North) Ltd and Restructa\, and you will have the opportunity see both operations up close and see how a vast array of WEEE equipment is repaired\, refurbished\, rec ycled\, and even remanufactured with a tangible fo cus on achieving a Circular Economy.\n \n Optimum Eco - Electronic Equipment Recycling Specialists\n \n CCL North | Business Computer Recycling | IT A sset Disposal\n \n Leading TV Recycling in the UK | Restructa\n \n As a business working in or suppo rting Ayrshire this is \;your \;opportunit y \;to see and hear what McCallum Bagpipes&nbs p\;do\, how they do it and to also \;meet othe r organisations \;creating and developing peer to peer relationships and future b2b support netw orks. You will also have the opportunity to hear a bout \;business growth and support opportuniti es \;from our partners at North\, South and Ea st Ayrshire Councils and more about the CeeD organ isation and the opportunities and support availabl e.\n \n Numbers are very limited and priority will be for Ayrshire and CeeD organisations.\n \n More information and registration coming soon...... CATEGORIES:Cluster Builder CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241009T093000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241009T093000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241009T130000 LOCATION:CCL (North) Ltd\n 1 Dunlop Drive\n Meadowhead Indu strial Estate\n Irvine\, KA11 5AU\n United Kingdom \n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR