BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CeeD//NONSGML CeeD Event iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:241121 Net Zero Trading Zone DESCRIPTION:\n \n CeeD'\;s Net Zero Trading Zone\n \n &ldqu o\;An event to help convert ideas into real\, comm ercially viable products through \;the power o f collaboration.&rdquo\;\n \n CeeD is running a un ique day event on 21st of \;November\, the aim of which is to create new business opportunities by \;working \;with another partner(s). Wi th each \;party able to \;concentrate  \;on their core competences\, we believe that orga nisations can significantly increase the chance of successfully realising new products\, innovations and business ideas. \n \n This Trading Zone will focus on Net Zero and sustainability pursuits. Aro und the Trading Zone\, we will be sharing stories of the innovative ways the CeeD network are overco ming their sustainability barriers.\n \n &ldquo\;N o matter what your skill or technology there is su re to be an opportunity that needs it!&rdquo\;\n \ n This event will provide \;a forum for using the power of collaborating \;to overcome commo n business problems such as obtaining funding\, de sign issues\, effective supply chain management an d market intelligence. Or you may just be looking for new ideas to be a part of. \; \;\n \n How will it work on the day?\n \n The format will be professionally facilitated using interactive ac tivities and discussions designed to bring togethe r small teams of potential collaborators around a business opportunity. The underlying theme is &lsq uo\;Innovation&rsquo\; and the day will bring toge ther Start-ups\, SMEs\, Multinationals\, Commercia lisation partners\, Academia\, Funders &\; Inve stors. \;\n \n A select few of the audience wi ll be pitching while others will be supporting and involved in the discussions and \;break-out s essions afterwards. Come along with an open mind a nd a willingness to participate.\n \n How do I joi n in?\n \n Do you have something to offer or somet hing to ask?\n \n \n - Do you have \;a unique  \;or innovative skill\, capability or service to offer?\n - Are you looking for help\, or a pa rtner \;to get an idea off the ground? \;\ n - Do you have a specific challenge you'\;d l ike to solve?\n \n \n If yes\, you could be a grea t pitcher. Please note that we are not looking for commerical\, selling based pitches. \;\n \n D o you have a great story to share about the innova tive ways you overcame your carbon reduction probl ems?\n \n If so\, you could make an excellent pane llist or speaker at this event. We would love to h ear from you!\n \n Please contact m.ronnie@ceed-sc if you would like to get involved. CATEGORIES:Workshop CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241121T093000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241121T093000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241121T160000 LOCATION:Forth Valley College\n Grangemouth Road\n Falkirk\ , FK2 9AD\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR